FLYing HIgh

FLYing HIgh
Ah shiT madE yoU lOOk

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Look at the wars we face
Look at the pointless lives we waste
We will let you join at 18
We will turn you into a fiend
We produce video games were kids sell drugs
No wonder why you boys don't give out hugs
They are too busy trying to kill
Here you go son here is a thrill
Go shoot that kid in the head
What are you brain dead
Why can't you drink alcohol
Why do you think they made ninja ball
They want us all cussing and fighting
They couldn't control us if we were all uniting
It is a shame the games we play
It is a shame when they scream go dj
We need more powerful role models
Not these niggas pushing gold bottles
It is all about money and greed
It is time for us to stop making kids bleed
The video games I played weren't that bad
Look at kids they are 5 times as mad
Did you know you can shove a five year old in a psychic ward
That sounds like bull shit parents who don't want to deal with room and board
If you can't deal with your children
Then it is your life thats not worth living
My parents never let them shove pills down my throat
My father now thinks it gives me hope
They want to kill my desire
No wonder people do murder for hire
I can run and shoot
I can lace up my boots
I am not afraid to get my hands dirty
I am 2 years shy of thirty
Can you imagine what I would have been capable at 18
Well I could tell you I could of handled a magazine
It wouldn't have been Forbes or Oprah
I would have given plenty no hopa
I would have been killing and laughing
Next thing you know I would be passing
Killing myself for what I have done
Now this video game doesn't seem to be so much fun
Talk and listen to people who have killed
I bet they would rather have dealed
It is easier to kill kids with dope
Either way you are taking a young mans hope
I was murdering kids since high school
I seen kids so fucked up on pills they would drool
Now those same kids with the drug problems are the ones being shoved into  ward
To me that shit is absurd
How about a little talking and concern
For them it is like a lesson never learned
Well I have been in both boxes
Now i run with the foxes
No longer a sheep or sheeple
We need to act like decent people
We need to battle it from the source
Rather then try and become a superior horse
Just like the Romans who got to big
Or just like Bob Marley and the life he lived
I would rather die a man then like like a coward
Look at monkeys we have created like Dewight Howard
We have been breeding for years
It is now time to shed some real tears
No more looting and shooting
No more women prostituting
Keep it real and keep it clean
Keep those kids on an even team
It doesn't matter who is wrong or right
Together we must take a stand and unite

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