FLYing HIgh

FLYing HIgh
Ah shiT madE yoU lOOk

Sunday, August 8, 2010

TRU friendz

How many people are fake
I still love you like a fat kid loves cake
I don't care how much money you make 
People just want to take and take 
Those are the people who need to be eliminated 
Those are the people I have always hated
Thats why I rolled with jocks and sk8ters 
I didn't discriminate against my friends 
I have always ben there til the end
It is funny what money can do others whoody whoody!
When i scream you begin to listen 
Isn't funny how lacy peterson was found fishin 
Some of you thought i had died 
Others wondered why
Cause I have always pushed the limits
Others of you fell for fake as gimmicks 
I know where I am from
Others of you are just too dumb 
The real freaks come out at night 
Shit tons of you have seen me fight 
Now i would rather fight with my words
Some of you think it is absurd 
You are the same people with paper 
I was always down for a caper 
I have sold drugs
I would rather shower little ones with hugs
Look what it says under my BILL
I am tru and keep real 
I dont fake the funk 
When i was little all I wanted to do was dunk 
I always wanted to be like mike
Yet I told the rest of you to take a hike
You can kick rocks 
I could beat your ass with a sock full of rocks
I used to cheat and steal 
Now all i do is keep it real 
I have always put those before me
I have fucked hundreds of girls and didn't catch hiv
It must be magic! 
People care if i live or die it would be so traggic 
Life is a game 
I am no lame 
Others of you wanted to judge me and put me in a cage 
My heart is no longer filled with rage 
Yet you want to put me in a cage 
I know you did it for a reason 
Well i am like the seasons
I can change
If i don't like it i will rearrange 
I don't need some one to tell me who to be
Cause i float like a butter fly and sting like a bee
No need for greed money is the root of all evil
It pushes others like evil kanievel 
You want to call me crazy 
Classic i got unemployment and wrote the reason was lazy 
Maybe i should kick it with slim shady 
Well fuck you who call me crazy 
I am no schlep 
I am the rock 
You need to get off my jock 
Fuck you and your thoughts 
I don't care if you run or you trott 
I don't care if i ever get shot 
I am going to speak my mind 
I would never rewind the hands of time 
I have never been a rat and dropped a dime 
I can look you in the eye that is the key to the soul 
I could merk you with a roll 
My fists are fast my true friends are the ones who care 
You others just sit back and stare

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