I sit here thinking about how i was caged like an animal on 5/23/10 til 5/30/10 because the slave master didn't want me to figure out the puzzle!!! well i did i am no SCHLEP ROCK who you think they snuck on boats for years? who's family owned the SAHARA? 28-35 you make all your money! 62 retired? time for the YOUTH IN REVOLT. . .PLEASE DONT Put me in the NUT house or shall I say the LOONEY Tunes Bin...>Watch out for AtLiens of the 4th KIND
B>C<54=28<82RC...BCHILL%$=BCHILL54... B.c.= BRITISH OF COLUMBIA...MC DaViD is DA=41 best} No baNaNaS in the Tail PiPe EddiE Murphy or Edro SuLLiVAN...Bob is Or my palinDROME shaLL i SAY is telling me to change the WORLD. 1 out of 110 are AustistiC they tried cramming piLLS down my throat when I was a KiD well from Bikes to Trains to Video GAMES I am the biggest KID there is...I wouldn't care if i DIED tomoRRow because I am living my LiFe bet you on 11/11/10 the world changes do to the WE..st and E.A.st having LOVE for one another...I have to thank my mom and Dad my 2 pal in dromes...for all they taughT me to a T about my ROOTS i am smart NOT cRazY? Y u SAY because i was told to lead with youR bEsT fooT 4WARD so I was on my P's & Q's in 2 different shoes there is 2sides to the BRAin so let'S STArt to USe them. Looking at History From THOSE WHO LIVED IT NOT THE ONES WHO WROTE IT>>>The wiNNers rightfully should be the ones writing it. I hate on all these social networkings so I used a BOAT with MY one INTERNET call HOME hope I didn't oFFend any Autistic people we are genuises like 2pac BiGGiE MakaVeLi SiGmUnD FroyD NasTraDamus. Ben Harper ELvIS PRESEly Michael Jackson+4=Jackson FAMILY that place should be a center for ChilDREN LIKE MIKE thought it would be!!! King James=23 be the new age Hero Michael Jordan and USe that feria and get your other animals like the TIGERS WOLVES SPIDER MONKEYS ShARkS all your old scHOOL friENDS to get back to THeir RooTs and beCOME 1! agaIN. TIME 4 fuLL Circle ObamaHa our New AGE KEnnEdy 1856? 11/22/63 7/30/82 11.21.82 =11/FRIEDRICKS/1982 dont take my RADIO or my Water or My FREEspace or my REVOLT_IN_YOUTH life with out MUSIC iorwe can't maKE iT!!! Snoop YOu Have a PoP WaRnEr LEAGUE my dAd Couched all my sporTs and played everyone because he is a GOOD Man BIll Fredrick RemmeR 333 777 666 I worked at ###WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH my least favoite place to live the fakest of the funk but everyONE is GENUINE they HAVE the HighESt BankruptcY Rate and DivoRCe Rate...I wILL be ?married 1 like MY SibLINGS they set a good example for the baby BOY who took 27 years and 27000 tears to realiZE the REAL meaning of liFE...I would love to CHANGE THE WORLD AND FILM A CONCERT WITH OPRAH THE HOST ON HER 25th ANNIVERSary 4 my dads B DAY 8/8/47 degrees of a GiraFFS NEcK adoPT CHILDREN NOT styles...think outsidE the BOx...LIFE is like BoBBy Fisher and MonopolY wraPPed UP in !1 ...so smart qwertY sYsTEM...Thanks to the 300 to aLL GODS HIGHER POWERs WE can all love eAcHOtHeR i believe the worlD is a small place and my handS from Hard work look About 62 myself but i am fine I was a GangSTAR everysince HuSSlin Marbles 2 POGS 2 BLUE RAZZ BLOW POPS $4 a bucK not BAD 4 a young buck with 2 white parents...mom artistic side and dad the practical sides best of both worlds life is only a mistake IF yoU or shALL i sAY WE don't LEARN FROM IT...CAMERON WILLIAM REMMER it is now time to hop out of the wOOd WORks and get the ReBelutiONE in a Peaceful Manner golf bag give a wa y for the shortys of all races...My 3rd generation buTTs Grandpa built the monkey caGes and got graBBEd by a monkey and who saved him was none other then his fellow worker who SLammed the chains Down and the noise STARTLED the Beast or Shall I SAY SooTHED the Poor GuY C.C.C. cool calm and collective and good old G PA GOT AWAY IN SAN DIEGO ZOO good Thing I was A Curious GEORge 805 612 9211 lets make a change camrem82@yahoo.com B9361391 you could figure it out or I could TRUST you all and the EyE in the Sky thanks GMA 2/2/0/2=9/11/01 got em like Hillary Rodham Clinton Bill You Did an Amazing JoB...people multitaking is a great thing so quit the druGs and use the mind...your mind WATER SUN NUTRITION IS KEY just LIKE PLANTS need………….
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