FLYing HIgh
Ah shiT madE yoU lOOk
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
fallen brother
there is no more hiding from the government we are all globally next working the founding fathers were all freemasons we are now teaching evolution in schools no more letting religion run our schools no more people running our lifes to get to the money i was always told to follow the jew or shall i say jesus christ notice how i didn't get life behind bars..ever notice how the morman's can have more then one wife and how they have to give 10% of there money they must follow the dummy the must not believe in freedom well i do and i am in cali funny how i don't need to count my calories i eat what i want whenever i like if i get fat i just take a hike i have great jeans i can fit in between bars yet i still have scars from the monkey bars do you bleed like i bleed can you read like i read well i don't read books i rather circle words and it gets m in trouble, you ever seen my chin double? do you watch t.v.? we finally have this thing called creativity. well to all those who have caused a fuss we no longer have to sit on the back of the bus. some people may not like it but others need to try it. so we can make a difference be educated and know that your vote does count, oh how i wish i could vote, i would pick a free man one who knows no one or has a scam. so to all my fallen brothers it is now time for us ti invite you other men to vote wisely
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