How many people have burned you
If you were dying how many can you turn to
It is a shame how the world is filled with takers
So many frosty flakers
I am glad to have my selected few who really care
You are the same ones who truly share
I have always put myself out there
Others just point and stare
We need to surround ourselves with good people
The rest can walk like sheeple
This is my story here is the sequal
To my brothers we are equal
We all have battles in life
One day we will be lucky and find that wife
Until then we are just like soldiers
Together we can cry on shoulders
There is nothing wrong
We have been singing the same song
Our troubles may double
Good thing we know how to husstle
We are the ones that can go from the bottom to the top
I will never die until I stop
No need to run from the cops
No longer sitting on crops
All I want is my family and friends
Does it matter if I push a benz
I could be happy with a pole and a tent
It is crazy what we pay for rent
Sometimes I may punch a dent
I wish I knew a bit more about lent
I have done some learning
A few pages I have been turning
I hope we all make a new chapter
We need positive role models and rappers
Ones who preach positive
No longer tell about the lives they lived
People want to hear sweet lies
Mixed with lullibies
Well I speak of no surprise
You need to look into my eyes
I am not crazy
I am not lazy
I may walk a different walk
Definitely talk a different talk
No longer messing with chalk
Unless it is with the kids
Try to teach them and help them avoid bids
I can do a lot of teaching
I feel that I should do some preaching
I have made it thorugh many battles
If I was a jockey I jump right back in the saddle
writing my thoughts rather then be put in a box
FLYing HIgh
Ah shiT madE yoU lOOk
Thursday, August 26, 2010
SomeTHING Peaceful
So you want me to write something peaceful
It is hard when you see the world with so much evil
Well I have finally turned the page
As long as you don't trap me like a rat in a cage
I say things from my past
Who would ever think these words would last
We all need to be up on a stage
Show the world we are no longer filled with rage
We are great people
Supposedly created equal
God made Adam and Eve
Well it isn't my place to leave
I don't want to run and hide
I have just been expressing how I feel inside
Some may look and judge
Those are the same ones to hold a grudge
I have never been one to stay mad
I used to make fun of G.L.A.D.
It is ok to feel sad
Doesn't mean the world is filled with bad
I am sorry for placing fear
I just needed to vent and borrow your ear
I have a giftness
I no longer feel stiffness
I can beat the numbers
All I needed was a nice slumber
Well I feel alive
There is always going to be that freak inside
I am still down to ride
Please stand by my side
Together we can conquere it all
We can have a ball
We are better united
Yet they want us divided
There is a handful of good people
The rest just take and create evil
I try my best
Each and every day they put me to the test
That doesn't make me think of you any less
We all need to relieve our stress
Nothing like a little sun, food, and water
No more pointless slaughter
We must make a stan
No need for the KLU KLUX KLAN
We need to eliminate the hate
We need to shut the evil gates
People need to pick up the slack
No matter what color white or black
It is hard when you see the world with so much evil
Well I have finally turned the page
As long as you don't trap me like a rat in a cage
I say things from my past
Who would ever think these words would last
We all need to be up on a stage
Show the world we are no longer filled with rage
We are great people
Supposedly created equal
God made Adam and Eve
Well it isn't my place to leave
I don't want to run and hide
I have just been expressing how I feel inside
Some may look and judge
Those are the same ones to hold a grudge
I have never been one to stay mad
I used to make fun of G.L.A.D.
It is ok to feel sad
Doesn't mean the world is filled with bad
I am sorry for placing fear
I just needed to vent and borrow your ear
I have a giftness
I no longer feel stiffness
I can beat the numbers
All I needed was a nice slumber
Well I feel alive
There is always going to be that freak inside
I am still down to ride
Please stand by my side
Together we can conquere it all
We can have a ball
We are better united
Yet they want us divided
There is a handful of good people
The rest just take and create evil
I try my best
Each and every day they put me to the test
That doesn't make me think of you any less
We all need to relieve our stress
Nothing like a little sun, food, and water
No more pointless slaughter
We must make a stan
No need for the KLU KLUX KLAN
We need to eliminate the hate
We need to shut the evil gates
People need to pick up the slack
No matter what color white or black
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
If i were to dissapear
Would it creat a tear
There is no need to fear
I am full of cheer
I don't need your beer
My thoughts are crystal clear
I just need to be by the ocean
That is my true potion
I hate being out in the sticks
I don't mean to come off as a dick
If i were a movie I would be a romantic flick
Some of you don't even know what to pick
Being outside makes me happy
I don't care if my hair gets nappy
I am not here to impress everyone
I just want to enjoy the sun
Sunshine used to be my nick name
Some thought it was lame
That was given to me by my God
I maybe seem a little odd
Well I have hopes and dreams
I am glad for all the teams
Unity is what we need
We need to get rid of all this greed
I just need some time away
I have always enjoyed my sway
Others have swagger
Some like McJagger
Well I just want to be me
A straight up G
I am no longer a gangster
I don't need to be a prankster
I hope some of you can understand me
Together we are we
If I could run and hide
My family would divide
I have always kept us together
I have always been a go getter
Like my father says there is none better
Where is my piece of the cheddar
It all stems to the money you make
Oh how funny some of you are fake
I have never been a frosty flake
I want to eliminate the ones who take
I am no longer half baked
Yet I am no longer caked
I would rather be poor and peaceful
Then live in a society full evil
They wonder why the good die young
Cause we are the ones who can't take the dumb
I love one and i love all
This world is a small place after all
I learned from the best
I always knew how to pass the test
I could use my right or my left
No you think my life is a mess
No i have it figured out
I have the balls to scream and shout
Some don't want to hear what I am talking about
You are the ones I don't need in my house
I speak my mind and don't care who I offend
I don't need shit I don't need you to lend
I am not looking for a hand out
That is not what my life is all about
I would rather you lend me your ear
Take me as me and please don't fear
I have been trying to push the weak away
Like I said I have my own sway
I will go on to live another day
I just want to be at the beach and play
Remember building sand castles
Those were the days when life had no hassles
We used to all rule our own empire
No we listen to half ass liars
Well I have been speaking nothing but truth
Others think my mind is running loose
I choose my words
Others think they are absurd
Then why don't you say it to my face
Look at me am I a disgrace
Did other artists get ridiculed and judged
They stood strong and did not budge
You can't tell me what to write
I am in a batlle it is my own fight
I will win
I no longer sin
I know what my path may lead
I no longer need to bleed
Would it creat a tear
There is no need to fear
I am full of cheer
I don't need your beer
My thoughts are crystal clear
I just need to be by the ocean
That is my true potion
I hate being out in the sticks
I don't mean to come off as a dick
If i were a movie I would be a romantic flick
Some of you don't even know what to pick
Being outside makes me happy
I don't care if my hair gets nappy
I am not here to impress everyone
I just want to enjoy the sun
Sunshine used to be my nick name
Some thought it was lame
That was given to me by my God
I maybe seem a little odd
Well I have hopes and dreams
I am glad for all the teams
Unity is what we need
We need to get rid of all this greed
I just need some time away
I have always enjoyed my sway
Others have swagger
Some like McJagger
Well I just want to be me
A straight up G
I am no longer a gangster
I don't need to be a prankster
I hope some of you can understand me
Together we are we
If I could run and hide
My family would divide
I have always kept us together
I have always been a go getter
Like my father says there is none better
Where is my piece of the cheddar
It all stems to the money you make
Oh how funny some of you are fake
I have never been a frosty flake
I want to eliminate the ones who take
I am no longer half baked
Yet I am no longer caked
I would rather be poor and peaceful
Then live in a society full evil
They wonder why the good die young
Cause we are the ones who can't take the dumb
I love one and i love all
This world is a small place after all
I learned from the best
I always knew how to pass the test
I could use my right or my left
No you think my life is a mess
No i have it figured out
I have the balls to scream and shout
Some don't want to hear what I am talking about
You are the ones I don't need in my house
I speak my mind and don't care who I offend
I don't need shit I don't need you to lend
I am not looking for a hand out
That is not what my life is all about
I would rather you lend me your ear
Take me as me and please don't fear
I have been trying to push the weak away
Like I said I have my own sway
I will go on to live another day
I just want to be at the beach and play
Remember building sand castles
Those were the days when life had no hassles
We used to all rule our own empire
No we listen to half ass liars
Well I have been speaking nothing but truth
Others think my mind is running loose
I choose my words
Others think they are absurd
Then why don't you say it to my face
Look at me am I a disgrace
Did other artists get ridiculed and judged
They stood strong and did not budge
You can't tell me what to write
I am in a batlle it is my own fight
I will win
I no longer sin
I know what my path may lead
I no longer need to bleed
They want me to be positive
Yet they want to tell me how to live
Why can't i express my mind
Everything will be good in due time
No need for nickle and dimes
I guess i am suppose to spit positive rhymes
Everyone wants to point and judge
Well I am the rock who will not budge
I don't evaluate you
I am full of love and am true
I write down my emotions
I am only happy near the ocean
I hate being far away
Some think I have too much to say
I don't make you read
I am not the one to cause greed
I know the seven deadly sins
In life all I want to do is win
So please join my team
Find out about my dream
I dream of us all being equal
This is my saga and my sequel
So please lend me your hand
Together we can take a stand
Maybe we can change this place
Maybe we can all have a smile on our face
No need for fussing and fighting
Together we need to be uniting
We are better together
I have always been a go getter
I just feel stuck at times
That is why I spit my rhymes
So lend me your heart
Together we can make amazing art
There are so many gifted people on this planet
Look at that amazing girl named Janet
Her brother was a God
One who got lost in the fog
There are so many talented people out there
Some just need to let down there hair
Please speak your mind
Together we can find
The answer to these problems
I would love to solve them
Give me a puzzle
Please not a muzzle
I don't make you read
Together we need
We need to change this around
I need my dog a blood hound
Yet they want to tell me how to live
Why can't i express my mind
Everything will be good in due time
No need for nickle and dimes
I guess i am suppose to spit positive rhymes
Everyone wants to point and judge
Well I am the rock who will not budge
I don't evaluate you
I am full of love and am true
I write down my emotions
I am only happy near the ocean
I hate being far away
Some think I have too much to say
I don't make you read
I am not the one to cause greed
I know the seven deadly sins
In life all I want to do is win
So please join my team
Find out about my dream
I dream of us all being equal
This is my saga and my sequel
So please lend me your hand
Together we can take a stand
Maybe we can change this place
Maybe we can all have a smile on our face
No need for fussing and fighting
Together we need to be uniting
We are better together
I have always been a go getter
I just feel stuck at times
That is why I spit my rhymes
So lend me your heart
Together we can make amazing art
There are so many gifted people on this planet
Look at that amazing girl named Janet
Her brother was a God
One who got lost in the fog
There are so many talented people out there
Some just need to let down there hair
Please speak your mind
Together we can find
The answer to these problems
I would love to solve them
Give me a puzzle
Please not a muzzle
I don't make you read
Together we need
We need to change this around
I need my dog a blood hound
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
You tell me not to drink
What next how to think
I can slang my ink
Don't dare blink
You might miss what I am saying
I have always been playing
Since I was a kid
I have done a bid
I have been in your rehabilitation
Now you force feed me medication
I need a vacation
I want to be in another nation
Thats when I will be stoked
I need my weed to be smoked
Thats how I would medicate
Yet you chose to dictate
What kind of country is this
I would rather slit my wrist
Find my own heaven
Throw dice showing eleven
Life is a game
You can't contain
You can only hope to maintain
One day there will be blood stains
Out line my body in chalk
No need to stalk
I would rather run then walk
Do you want to dictate how I talk
Will fuck you
I am staying true
My brain can come unglued
Who shoes are you trying to fill
I run my own hill
I would rather kill
Then force me to take pills
This entire situation is bullshit
No wonder why kids pull shit
Control my actions control my speech
Suck me like a fucking leach
I don't need to preach
Please come try and teach
You think you got it all figured out
I know what I am about
I know where I am from
Half the nation is dumb
You got them fooled
I have been schooled
I went to the school of hard knocks
I have always had a hard cock
So lick me like a lollipop
Fuck you pigs and cops
You used to try and catch me slipping
All I was doing was chipping
Stack my loot
Slapping prostitutes
Bitch give me my money
This shit ain't funny
This is life or death
Listen to my breath
What next how to think
I can slang my ink
Don't dare blink
You might miss what I am saying
I have always been playing
Since I was a kid
I have done a bid
I have been in your rehabilitation
Now you force feed me medication
I need a vacation
I want to be in another nation
Thats when I will be stoked
I need my weed to be smoked
Thats how I would medicate
Yet you chose to dictate
What kind of country is this
I would rather slit my wrist
Find my own heaven
Throw dice showing eleven
Life is a game
You can't contain
You can only hope to maintain
One day there will be blood stains
Out line my body in chalk
No need to stalk
I would rather run then walk
Do you want to dictate how I talk
Will fuck you
I am staying true
My brain can come unglued
Who shoes are you trying to fill
I run my own hill
I would rather kill
Then force me to take pills
This entire situation is bullshit
No wonder why kids pull shit
Control my actions control my speech
Suck me like a fucking leach
I don't need to preach
Please come try and teach
You think you got it all figured out
I know what I am about
I know where I am from
Half the nation is dumb
You got them fooled
I have been schooled
I went to the school of hard knocks
I have always had a hard cock
So lick me like a lollipop
Fuck you pigs and cops
You used to try and catch me slipping
All I was doing was chipping
Stack my loot
Slapping prostitutes
Bitch give me my money
This shit ain't funny
This is life or death
Listen to my breath
Just two dope boys in a cadillac
Reverse my name and it mac
Been spitting since the first grade
Back in the day I rocked a wave
Bitches always craved
How many love me once I am in a grave
Sucking down drinks to get wasted
Girls always tasted
So sweet like butterscotch
Had em doing hopscotch
Life has always been full of stress
I never knew how to get it off my chest
I should have been writing
Instead I chose fighting
Thats the way I learned to deal with it
That wack shit I ain't hearing it
I would rather keep it real
Soon I could have a deal
I have always been motivated
The rest just appreciated
Always been leading the pack
Used to handle the trap
Never been a rat
Toted a louieville slugger bat
Reverse my name and it mac
Been spitting since the first grade
Back in the day I rocked a wave
Bitches always craved
How many love me once I am in a grave
Sucking down drinks to get wasted
Girls always tasted
So sweet like butterscotch
Had em doing hopscotch
Life has always been full of stress
I never knew how to get it off my chest
I should have been writing
Instead I chose fighting
Thats the way I learned to deal with it
That wack shit I ain't hearing it
I would rather keep it real
Soon I could have a deal
I have always been motivated
The rest just appreciated
Always been leading the pack
Used to handle the trap
Never been a rat
Toted a louieville slugger bat
To those of you who read
To those who need
Some of us bleed
Others will die from greed
To those of you who are goth
Others die of sloth
We need to change
I maybe seem strange
I don't give a flying fuck
I no longer drive a truck
I used to slang pills
No they give me chills
It is funny how life can turn
If I were a bridge I would rather burn
People want to earn
Yet others never want to learn
It is always take take take
Those are the fakes
It isn't about the money you make
It is about being deep like a lake
Have some depth and some substance
The rest is all nonsense
I don't care what kinda clothes you got
I am trying to survive and not get shot
I have lived in the jungle
That is what made me humble
To those of you husslers
Fuck all you busters
It is all about being on your grind
Those are the true G's hard to find
People looking for a hand out
Thats what this country is all about
Go to work
Be a jerk
Strap up them boots
Figure out where are your roots
I know where I come from
Until then you are dumb
Don't think because you have a degree you are smart
I could rip you apart
We all pump blood from our heart
We are all gifted from the start
So get your hands dirty
I don't care if I am dead before thirty
They say the good die young
Wow how many hoes are sprung
If I had a gun I might pull it
Remember the mullet
I used to rock the wave
We all at one time were slaves
So get back to your job
Eliminate all you slobs
4 out of 10 have diabetes
Yet we trying to sign peace treaties
How about look after our own
Why don't we all have a happy home
We need to get back to simplicity
Like before they had electricity
We don't need shit
Guerillas run around with banana clips
2012 is the beginning
Well not so if we aren't winning
We live in a world full of sin
Our country just wants to win
We steal from other people
We try and say we are all equal
What a fucking joke
We finally going to legalize smoke
In 1856 it was the third largest crop
It will finally bring our nation to the top
30% of adults use it
People try and say they abuse it
Yet we make cigarettes and beer
Just to give the people a cheer
Society can't stand their job
They wonder why people go out and rob
We have people here starving
Yet we would rather stare at a carving
We need to get back to ourself
Quit worrying about wealth
Money is the root of all evil
No wonder why it creates people like evil knievel
Give me some land and a farm
I will create my own charm
I don't need any luck
Cause I don't give a fuck
To those of you wasting your time
I would rather write and rhyme
Well i am ready to leave
Just like a boxer I will bob and weave
To those who need
Some of us bleed
Others will die from greed
To those of you who are goth
Others die of sloth
We need to change
I maybe seem strange
I don't give a flying fuck
I no longer drive a truck
I used to slang pills
No they give me chills
It is funny how life can turn
If I were a bridge I would rather burn
People want to earn
Yet others never want to learn
It is always take take take
Those are the fakes
It isn't about the money you make
It is about being deep like a lake
Have some depth and some substance
The rest is all nonsense
I don't care what kinda clothes you got
I am trying to survive and not get shot
I have lived in the jungle
That is what made me humble
To those of you husslers
Fuck all you busters
It is all about being on your grind
Those are the true G's hard to find
People looking for a hand out
Thats what this country is all about
Go to work
Be a jerk
Strap up them boots
Figure out where are your roots
I know where I come from
Until then you are dumb
Don't think because you have a degree you are smart
I could rip you apart
We all pump blood from our heart
We are all gifted from the start
So get your hands dirty
I don't care if I am dead before thirty
They say the good die young
Wow how many hoes are sprung
If I had a gun I might pull it
Remember the mullet
I used to rock the wave
We all at one time were slaves
So get back to your job
Eliminate all you slobs
4 out of 10 have diabetes
Yet we trying to sign peace treaties
How about look after our own
Why don't we all have a happy home
We need to get back to simplicity
Like before they had electricity
We don't need shit
Guerillas run around with banana clips
2012 is the beginning
Well not so if we aren't winning
We live in a world full of sin
Our country just wants to win
We steal from other people
We try and say we are all equal
What a fucking joke
We finally going to legalize smoke
In 1856 it was the third largest crop
It will finally bring our nation to the top
30% of adults use it
People try and say they abuse it
Yet we make cigarettes and beer
Just to give the people a cheer
Society can't stand their job
They wonder why people go out and rob
We have people here starving
Yet we would rather stare at a carving
We need to get back to ourself
Quit worrying about wealth
Money is the root of all evil
No wonder why it creates people like evil knievel
Give me some land and a farm
I will create my own charm
I don't need any luck
Cause I don't give a fuck
To those of you wasting your time
I would rather write and rhyme
Well i am ready to leave
Just like a boxer I will bob and weave
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